So,some girls were talking about our random needs for chocolate.or pickles,or any other random foods that we might ever be craving,and it brought up what we would be like if guys didn't exist. I honestly have to say we wouldn't care as much about stuff. For example, girls have this weird and strange thing in their head telling them to always to be skinnier and to always look offense guys but this partly comes from if guys were gone we wouldn't have to worry about our weight or what we ate in front of them. I don't think we would go as far as not showering, like some guys do, but we probably wouldn't fix our hair, or do our make-up, or pick out "super-cute clothes", like we try to do everyday. In other words Stacey London and Clinton Kelly will probably kill us......There are many things that we wouldn't do like I have mentioned above but that doesn't mean I would want to leave those things out of my life. I personally like having guys around because if there was just girls there would be way too much drama, fighting, and gossip. I think I would go crazy because when you put too many girls together for a long period of time it has potential to be a living nightmare. The way God created girls and guys is perfect because they seem to balance out each other. A world without one or the other would be miserable. Also, I, and many other girls, enjoy getting dressed up and looking good becuase well, we're girls and thats what we like to do sometimes. I'm not really sure why, but fixing my hair, putting on my make-up, and picking out those "super-cute clothes" makes me feel good. Again, don't ask me why becuase it's a girl thing that is impossible to explain. If there were no guys then there would be no reason to get cute and to feel pretty, and I would really miss it and feel really gross and bummy all the time. So thank you guys for being around to keep girls looking good!