In my opinion, i think that most teenagers and kids my age have absolutely no knowledge of what respect means. In case those rude people need an updated definition of this here you go...courtesy of
respect: esteem for or a sense of worth or excellence of a person....
I think that it all boils down to the fact that people view themselves higher than they need to. Is what you have to say really that important that you have to completely ignore what your authority figure is trying to say? Or that you have to give them a completely uncalled for sarcastic remark? Teachers and adults deserve our respect whether you think they are annoying or mean or what. Just because they might be cool doesn't give you the right to take advantage of them. No matter what they say or do the fact that they are in charge does not change. You have to respect them no exceptions....just be polite and maybe people will like you better.
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12 years ago