Thursday, August 14, 2008

Stereotypes are Overrated

On Wednesday of this week, the telegraph printed an article that seemed to have caused an uproar. The title was "Three FPD teachers returning to classroom atfer having children". Sounds like a simple, nice and sweet type of article and it was. Nothing in the article was negative but a whole lot of negative came out of it. The small article brought on six pages of comments. Some comments were cheerful and complementing the teachers while others were thinking it was a boring article. What caught my attention ,and many of others, was the dispute of private vs. public schools. The stereotype that people give private school kids is that they are are rich, spoiled, and stuck up. A stereotype is also given to public school kids (as it is mentioned in the comments) which is that they're drug addicts, gang members, or pregnant. Both of these molds given to the two different types of schools is crazy and ridiculous because they are mostly not true. Yes, alot of private school kids are rich but not necessarily spoiled or stuck up...though some are. Moreover, some public school students are drug addicts, gang members, or pregnant but not even close to all of them. People should not just give someone a title just because of what school they go to. Most of the time children don't get to choose where they go to school. I attend FPD and I have to say that there are a ton of really sweet, non stuck up students here. Also alot of us aren't your typical "rich kid". I would say that a ton of parents who send their kids to FPD work their tails off to pay the tution. If it is not already shown, i think to categorize people in general is stupid. You can't judge a person until you meet them because before you do that you know absolutley nothing about them and don't have the right to make out what kind of person they are.


Anonymous said...

i totally agree...

la vi boheme said...

i liked it=]

Jenni Seale said...

Hey Bekah,
No longer are you allowed to tell me that you can't write.
This is good!
You're sitting right beside me. Haha.

Anonymous said...

I think you did an amzing job, and made some great points. :)