Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Guide to Successfully Staying Single...

So all girls have the problem of a guy wanting to ask them out on a date and you truly having absolutely no intrest in taking them up on the offer. I recently underwent this horrible imsfortune and thought I'd reveal my strategy on how to successfully come away dateless.

Step 1: Make sure you have friends in the inside.
For some reason this boy thought he would take it upon himself to talk to my friends about asking me to go to a dance with him. Mistake number 1!! Of course my friends knew I wouldn't want to do this so they fed him reasons why I "couldn't go" with him.

Step 2: Make a point to converse only when necessary.
This rule can work for every guy in general who you are not interested in. By talking to them you give them the impression that you have some intrest in him which will lead him to pursue more strongly.

By follwing these two things I have successfully walked out of those awkward situations dateless!!!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Maybe people should learn what respect means

In my opinion, i think that most teenagers and kids my age have absolutely no knowledge of what respect means. In case those rude people need an updated definition of this here you go...courtesy of
respect: esteem for or a sense of worth or excellence of a person....

I think that it all boils down to the fact that people view themselves higher than they need to. Is what you have to say really that important that you have to completely ignore what your authority figure is trying to say? Or that you have to give them a completely uncalled for sarcastic remark? Teachers and adults deserve our respect whether you think they are annoying or mean or what. Just because they might be cool doesn't give you the right to take advantage of them. No matter what they say or do the fact that they are in charge does not change. You have to respect them no exceptions....just be polite and maybe people will like you better.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

What makes people respond?

I have heard countless stories about God being removed from the public, but the story about cheerleaders signs being taken down in Oglethorpe, Ga stood out. In most cases it seems like when the government removes religion from things Christians get angry but never do anything to follow up. Here, we have a whole community in uproar about something as small as a football sign. Why is it that these people are willing to protest and rebel over this but when prayer was removed from schools actions weren't this bold?

Friday, October 23, 2009

Maybe you should widen your prospective!

Recently the Fox News network has been "attacked" by our president and his administration. Obama has shown signs of boycotting the station and this has caused a massive uproar among the staunch republicans who only believe news that comes from one station (wonder which network that is??). This huge issue is quite annoying to me because I feel like the only people who are commenting on this are the people who watch Fox. Well of course the supporters of the network are going to be infuriated by Obama not appearing on their beloved shows and calling it not a genuine news network. I believe that most Fox supporters only get their news from Fox and this contains many issues. One, how can you get your news from an extremely biased news network?? If all the TV hosts are republicans wont the context of the news tend to lean to the right? From here the second problem develops....if you only hear biased news will you be open to different opinions and facts? I ask this because many people that I go to school with believe that Fox is the only place where you get factual information and this is not true! Countless times I have heard students say that something is not true just because it was reported from a station like CNN or NBC. How can you say this if you arent willing to research the actual topic and see what the facts say before you develop your opinion from an obvious biased outlook? Super conservative people bother me and unfortunately I am surronded by them....