Friday, September 19, 2008

Impossible should be renamed to addicting

There is this game called the impossible quiz that is literally addicting. Ever since I have been introduced to this game I can't stop playing it. My journalism teacher despises it because half of our class just play it all day instead of blogging. So I decided to blog about it =). The game is extremely strange. The questions are reandom and most of the time the answers don't make since. Whoever invented it is definately very creative. Today in class I found out that there is a second one...I am extremely excited but at the same annoyed. I know that I am going to be addicted to the second one too and a lot of times, I don't want to play it but I do anyways. It's like my body is taking over me. Don't take my word for it, see for yourself.....have fun!

I will not take responsibilty for anyone who also becomes addicted....BEWARE!

Please play responsibly!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Someone help!

They say that your junior year is your hardest and now that I am going through it, I completely agree. It's only been 5 weeks and I have been stressed literally for 35 days straight. This year's classes have been overwhelming; to make it worse I have to combine that with softball. We have softball everyday so I never get to start my homework and studying until almost 7:00 on a good night. The two combined have led me to tears way too much. I am a person who really does not cry that much but these past 5 weeks have brought on more tears combined than this entire year! I get overwhelmed by my studying for classes like AP biology and just freak out cause I have so much to do I don't know where to start...needless to say I am ready for the rest of the school year (which is like the entire school year) to go ahead and finish. In May I will be proud to say that I have survived my junior year, but right now I'm not sure if I can make it til then!