So all girls have the problem of a guy wanting to ask them out on a date and you truly having absolutely no intrest in taking them up on the offer. I recently underwent this horrible imsfortune and thought I'd reveal my strategy on how to successfully come away dateless.
Step 1: Make sure you have friends in the inside.
For some reason this boy thought he would take it upon himself to talk to my friends about asking me to go to a dance with him. Mistake number 1!! Of course my friends knew I wouldn't want to do this so they fed him reasons why I "couldn't go" with him.
Step 2: Make a point to converse only when necessary.
This rule can work for every guy in general who you are not interested in. By talking to them you give them the impression that you have some intrest in him which will lead him to pursue more strongly.
By follwing these two things I have successfully walked out of those awkward situations dateless!!!
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12 years ago